Saturday, June 21, 2008

Make Your Move!! 2.0 Subspace Emissary

*=Master Hand's/Tabuu's servants
**=Secret Door

Characters Used:

H.P. Lovecraft*
Darth Vader (PKBoy89 version)*
Lemeza Kosugi
Johnny Turbo
MGA Solid Snake
Ginny Weasley
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Stephen Colbert
Chris and Ryann
Zatch Bell and Kiyo
Sean Connery**
Super Eraser
Pong Paddle
Earthworm Jim
Invader Zim
The White Stripes**
Paper Mario
Baby Mario Bros.
Ren and Stimpy
Travis Touchdown**

Total: 35

Tabuu, resting after his fateful battle with the Smashers, knew that he couldn't turn this world into Subspace, for him to control. Because of this, he decides to scan the remaining dimensions for more worlds to take over. The dimension he chooses is another one, with many different characters.

In this new world, there is a new set of Ancients. Ginny Weasley, Rosalina, and H.P. Lovecraft. Tabuu is surprised that H.P. Lovecraft has contacted him, deciding to bring Tabuu to the world to cause chaos. H.P. aquires several loyal servants; Darth Vader, Waluigi, and Karnov, to do his bidding and turn heroes into trophies.

Karnov does this by placing a Trophy Gun in his citadel, and challenging all who come to a fight, with the loser becoming a trophy.

In another arena somewhere else, Banjo and Paper Mario are fighting in a tournament. The remaining good Ancients, Ginny Weasley and Rosalina, are watching eagerly. After a heated fight, with a winners ceremony presented by the Ancients, various enemies attack, and the four fight them. After the chaos, H.P. Lovecraft emerges. The Ancients try to attack him, but he is protected by a barrier. He then turns Ginny into a trophy, and forces the other characters to be launched, far away, before activating a Subspace Bomb.

STAGE 1: The Arena

Super Eraser is watching by the top of the arena. Jumping off quickly before the Bomb detonated, he quickly catches Banjo-Kazooie, and revives them. They then team up to escape the area.

STAGE 2: The Sidewalk

Gardevoir and Gallade are having a small picnic near a lake area, under a tree. Enjoying each other's company, they fail to notice a threat nearby... Waluigi, armed with a trophy gun, jumps out at them. He chooses which one to take, and aims at Gardevoir. Gallade notices this, and jumps to rescue her. Waluigi takes the Gallade trophy away, and Gardevoir goes after him.

Meanwhile, a spaceship falls downwards to earth, and crashes.

Chris and Ryann are walking in a forest area, and Ryann stops for a moment, saying that she wants to tell Chris something. Before she can do so, though, Waluigi appears, Gallade trophy in hand, and charges up the gun again, aiming at Ryann. Chris is frozen in fear, and is unable to rescue Ryann. Waluigi takes her trophy, and runs off. Gardevoir shows up, tired, and Chris decides to team up with her.

STAGE 3: The Woods

Rosalina, retaining enough stamina so as not to be turned into a trophy, realizes that she has to go and rescue as many fighters as possible. Before she starts, though, Shadow Lugia attacks her, and she must fight it.

STAGE 4: The Meadow (BOSS: Shadow Lugia)

Next, we are treated to a scene where Spongebob, in his Ka-rah-tay gear, decides that he's good enough to fight Karnov, so he proceeds to go to Karnov's castle. However, when he reaches there, Karnov is there first, and uses his trophy gun. We can also see Innes as a trophy, and Duffman. They challenged him before.

STAGE 5: The Field

A cardboard box inside of a menancing-looking starship moves slightly.

Ren and Stimpy, noticing the spaceship that fell, decide to go after it, with Ren thinking he can become rich.

They then reach the spaceship, but it appears that the Aqua Teen Hunger Force has also shown up, this time fueled by Shake's greed. They fight each other.

The winning side, thinking that maybe it wasn't the best idea to fight, revives the other. Darth Vader then appears, though, and turns Shake and Frylock into trophies. After running away with them, Ren, Stimpy, and Meatwad team up. They run off. The denizen of the ship, Invader Zim, then awakens...

STAGE 6: The Hill

Rosalina has calmed down the Shadow Lugia, who transforms into normal Lugia. The grateful Lugia asks if it may do her a favour, in which she asks it to help rescue Ginny. They then fly around, searching for Ginny's location.

Yungmie, realizing that she needs to fight Karnov to get revenge on her parents, who she remembers were turned into trophies, goes to Karnov's castle, and goes through it. Taking notice of the trophied fighters of the past, Yungmie fights against Karnov with much vigor.

STAGE 7: The Castle

To Yungmie's surprise, she cannot find the trophies of her parents stored anywhere in Karnov's castle. After this revelation, she goes on her knees, and softly weeps.

Waluigi whines about how he always has to do the dirty work, and he presents the trophies to Darth Vader. Darth Vader takes the trophies and orders Waluigi to obtain more.

Super Eraser and Banjo explore another area, now that they are away from the Sidewalk, fighting Primids along the way.

STAGE 8: The Pathway

Invader Zim exits his space craft, and sees a lone Magikarp on the ground, eating something. Feeling angry about his crash, he kicks the Magikarp into the sky.

Chris and Gardevoir exit the woods, where they encounter Super-Eraser and Banjo. They fight, with the losing two turning into trophies. Waluigi appears in a cart, and scoops up the trophy fighters. Either Super Eraser will see him as a threat, or Gardevoir will remember him, and they will grab onto him to disorient him, and make him lose the trophies. Invader Zim then appears, and kicks the trophies in more rage. The trophies turn back into fighters, Zim is impressed, and the five team up.

STAGE 9: The Plain

Paper Mario is found unconscious in a desert by the Baby Mario Bros. They wake him up, and join together until Paper Mario gets his strength back. After the stage, Paper Mario decides that he's strong enough and leaves, the babies waving bye-bye. However, when he leaves, Primids form all around the babies.

STAGE 10: The Desert

Banjo, Super Eraser, Chris, Gardevoir, and Zim see a starship in the sky, and chase after it.

STAGE 11: The Wastelands

When Yungmie defeats Karnov, and turns him into a trophy, Shadow Bugs appear and go around the Karnov trophy, turning into a giant Dark Karnov. Struggling backwards, Yungmie accidentally touches the Spongebob trophy, and turns him back to his old self. They revive Innes and Duffman, and they fight against Dark Karnov. The Shadow Bugs scatter away somewhere, and the group decides to follow them.

STAGE 12: The Ancient Village ('BOSS': Dark Karnov)

Paper Mario walks along a desert path, but is quickly knocked out by a Primid, and is taken to a station area.

In this station area, a lone man exits his studio, and enters the area, to discover what it is. That man is Stephen Colbert. However, he also brings Earthworm Jim for backup. The two raid the area to find out what it is.

What they see astonishes them. Various characters are stuck inside of test-tube appearing things. Paper Mario is carried in, as they two hide to observe what there is.

STAGE 13: The Station

Underhill is travelling across the land, when he hears a whistle. This is the signature whistle of Protoman, who attacks him to prove his strength. Underhill survives the assault, and Protoman gives him respect. Enemies start showing up in the fields, though, and the two rush through, as they see a starship land.

STAGE 14: The Rush

When they reach the starship, the two quickly hop onboard by holding onto an exterior part.

Duffman sees the Baby Mario Bros. in trouble, and leaves Yungmie to help them himself. Spongebob, eager to be a hero, joins him. Yungmie and Innes remain. After walking a bit, they encounter a crying Meatwad, who explains that his friends were seen being carried into a ruin. Yungmie and Innes decide to help him, and they rescue the other 2 Aqua Teen members.

STAGE 15: The Catacombs

Duffman and Spongebob rescue the babies from the Primids and other enemies.

STAGE 16: The Oasis

However, a new barrage of enemies appears, far too much for Duffman and Spongebob to deal with themselves.

In another part of the Catacombs, a lone adventurer is seen, Lemeza Kosugi. He explores part of it solo, and soon finds a trophy of Ren. After reviving Ren, he implores him to rescue Stimpy for him.

STAGE 17: The Crypt

After witnessing Paper Mario being brought into the warehouse, Colbert and Jim decide to search around to see what they might do with him. Before they can move, though, Karnov appears behind Earthworm Jim. Stephen Colbert, seeing Karnov prepare to blast, warns Jim quickly. Jim hops out of the way, and Stephen sends his pets, Stephen Jr. and Stephanie against Karnov. Karnov simply laughs, as he preps his Trophy Gun and turns Stephen into a trophy. Stealing it, he then breaks into the room where P.M. was, and steals him, too. Colbert's pets desperately follow Karnov to his castle, leaving Jim alone to deal with the security measures.

STAGE 18: The Warehouse

Protoman and Underhill enter the ship. Seeing a map nearby, perhaps to inform Stormtroopers when needed, they realize that the deck is near the top of the ship, and they are directly at the bottom. They climb up the floors of the ship, slowly but surely, with the stage stopping at around the cargo area. Within, they find a doll, with its master looking after it. Zatch Bell and Kiyo. Protoman looks at the doll, and advises Kiyo to bring it with them.

STAGE 19: The Starship (Lower Area)

In the deck, H.P. Lovecraft and Darth Vader use a scanner on the Ginny trophy to determine her abilities. The scanner makes an odd beep, and H.P. contemplates. Vader inquires, and H.P. thinks to himself, via flashbacks.

'Back when this world was young, three people with divine powers were appointed as the protectors of this world. These three were known as 'The Ancients'. They were given eternal power so as to be able to guard the world even in the most harsh situations, and all lived happily. These three were Rosalina, Ginny, and H.P. Lovecraft.

Even long ago, H.P. was jealous of the powers of the other 2 Ancients. Rosalina had the power of the stars backing her up, and Ginny knew much in the way of magic. H.P. had almost nothing, except for a sacred book in his hands. What could he use with such a book? A dark entity, Tabuu, knew.

Tabuu met up with a startled H.P., tempting him with the prospect of unlimited power if he were to join with Tabuu. H.P. agreed, angry at the other Ancients, and proceeded to get some work done.

With the new technology of the Trophy Gun, H.P. had taken fighters and modified them in Tabuu's own dark image, including Yungmie's parents. The other Ancients had taken notice of this, and banished H.P. from their ranks. H.P., even more madly jealous, enters the realm of Subspace and continues his operations from there, recruiting other rogue fighters to work with him.'

Vader simply looks on as H.P. thinks, believing him to be weak, weak enough to eventually usurp...

We cut back to Duffman and Spongebob. As things look pear-shaped for them, the main five, Banjo, Super Eraser, Chris, Gardevoir, and Zim rush in, and help them fight off the enemy groups. Afterwards, they see who appears to be the leader of this particular group, a large, furred, muscled creature, Ithaqua, or Wendigo, and fight it as well. H.P. Lovecraft created this creature long ago, and sent it to fight any who opposed him.

STAGE 20: The Dunes (BOSS: Wendigo)

Lemeza and Ren soon enter a grand hall with an artifact in the centre. Yungmie and co. are also entering at the same time. After a heated introduction, they decide to figure out what the artifact does. After taking it, Lemeza accidentally unleashes The Mother upon the group, and they fight her.

After defeating the Mother, she leaves an unconscious Stimpy behind. The group goes over to see if he is okay, and sure enough, Stimpy is fine. Joyous reunion ensues.

STAGE 21: The Grand Hall (BOSS: The Mother)

Karnov brings the trophies to his castle, and proudly displays them in the hall. When he turns, Colbert's pets appear, looking sad. Karnov, taking pity on them, decides to turn the trophies back into the characters. Stephen Colbert and Paper Mario are initially livid, but when Karnov shows Stephen the pets, Stephen is overjoyed, and Paper Mario takes this in as well. The three are on good terms, now. Tabuu notices this on a screen and is furious.

Earthworm Jim nears the exit of the warehouse, believing that it's nearly the end of it. A large robot impedes his progress, though. While Jim preps for battle, a mysterious man leaps out, and blasts the robot a few times, and then leaps to punch the mech. Johnny Turbo joins! When Jim thanks him, the robot restores itself, appearing not to be hurt, and Jim and Johnny fight it.

STAGE 22: The Base (BOSS: AT-ST)

Finding a car after the exit, the two buckle up, and drive through the desert, victorious.

A cardboard box in the ship moves slightly, but the screen moves left, and sees a puddle of water nearby. Metal Gear Awesome Snake crawls out in a scuba suit, with loud spy-esque music, and a very low-volume "I hate this suit!"

After infiltrating the ship, MGA Snake encounters Underhill and Protoman. Preparing for a fight, Primids then form all around them. At that point, they realize that they should team up.

When the enemies have all been defeated, the three head towards the Conversion Room, where they see a Dark Ginny, with much more power than ever. The three fight her, and she turns into regular Ginny when they win. Gallade and Ryann are also rescued. The six then head to the deck of Vader's starship, where they arrive in time to see Vader and H.P. escape, and a powerful enemy awaiting them. However, allies appear to help, with Rosalina appearing with Lugia, and Magikarp finally landing after being flung up so high. Ginny and Rosalina quickly use their power to bring Zatch Bell back to consciousness. Together, the group fights against Darth Vader's mech walker, the AT-AT.

STAGE 23: The Starship (Upper Area) (BOSS: AT-AT)

After defeating the enemy, Ginny and Rosalina go to the steering area, and using their powers, release the dark Subspace energy from the ship that was controlling its path. They then take control of the ship.

Darth Vader and H.P. Lovecraft pick up Waluigi somewhere in the desert.

Waluigi, Vader, and H.P. report to Tabuu. Tabuu shows then a screen of Karnov changing his side. Realizing that the only side Karnov pledged to was himself, Tabuu decides to activate a Subspace Bomb placed in the castle when Karnov joined, used if need be. Karnov, Colbert, and Paper Mario turn into trophies. H.P. Lovecraft, saying that his power must be used to bring Tabuu to full power, sends Vader, and Waluigi off to deal with the fighters in a second starship.

After all of this, everyone is reunited, with Chris & Ryann and Gardevoir & Gallade holding each other, while the babies high-five, and the others enjoy a happy time. However, they all realize that the threat still lives, and they must find and destroy it. So in an attack with Vader's abandoned starship, they bravely enter the Subspace area.

Duffman and Spongebob introduce the babies to Yungmie, who takes to them quickly, like a mother figure, them becoming her only remaining 'family'.

Shaqille O'Neal joins at this point as well, walking up to the united group, and just joining, as he has heard of the evil and his being a threat to this world. The group decides to use the converted starship against their enemy. Invader Zim also repairs his ship, Ren and Stimpy create one, and Rosalina rides to battle on a star.

A battle near the increasing ball to Subspace occurs, with Vader and Waluigi on a larger, improved starship, and all the fighters on the older one. The guns shoot relentlessly at them, but it moves too quick. Some large blasts go in the path of the ship, but Gardevoir and Gallade quickly use Reflect against them, forming a barrier in the fronts of the ship to neutralize the shots. Rosalina uses some of her accompanying Lumas to strike at the opposing starship. The Lumas destroy most of the guns of their ship. Vader and Waluigi, realizing their defenselessness, quick run back into Subspace via a portal in their ship. The fighters then seize the oppurtunity to all enter Subspace.

STAGE 24: Vortex To Subspace

Vader and Waluigi go to H.P. Lovecraft to report that their enemies have entered Subspace. However, H.P. Lovecraft remains emotionless, callously turning Waluigi into a trophy. Vader, realizing this treachery, duels H.P., but H.P., with a wave of his hand, has Tabuu turn Vader into a trophy.

After going through Subspace, and finding the catalyst to the problem, Tabuu and H.P., they attempt to destroy Tabuu. Chris, Underhill, and Protoman all strike with their blades, but are quickly forced off, and become trophies. Ginny and Rosalina use their magic abilities as Ancients to affect Tabuu, but H.P. neutralizes them, and turns them into trophies. Yungmie quickly shields the Baby Mario Bros. Then, with a flap of his wings, Tabuu turns everyone into trophies, lying with the other 2 trophies of Waluigi and Vader, except for the 2 crying Baby Mario Bros...

Stephen Colbert and Paper Mario, revive themselves, see the Karnov trophy in front of them. They touch Karnov to revive him, and he thanks them. An apparation of Rosalina appears in front of them, saying that because of their sacrifices, they were worthy of her using the last of her power to be chosen to rescue the fighters.

STAGE 25: Subspace (1)

The Baby Mario Bros. cry at the sight of Yungmie becoming a trophy. However, Yungmie's trophy shines, and she is revived. Both her and the babies are astonished, but an apparation of Ginny appears, and says that due to her love and self-sacrifice, she was chosen as one of the rescuers. So, with the babies in tow, Yungmie heads through Subspace to rescue everyone.

STAGE 26: Subspace (2)

Karnov appears to taunt Yungmie, causing her to cry, but Colbert and Paper Mario put their hands on his shoulders, shaking their heads in disapproval. Karnov thinks for a moment, and having a change of heart, decides to shake hands with Yungmie. Yungmie accepts this gesture.

If no one is rescued, the next stage goes on with a team of Paper Mario, Stephen Colbert, Karnov, Yungmie, and the Baby Mario Bros.

STAGE 27: The Next Great Maze

When the fighters finally exit the new Great Maze, they are confronted by Tabuu and H.P. Lovecraft. However, the Pong Paddle quickly appears, hits Tabuu on the head, and knocks down H.P. Lovecraft. The fighters quickly crowd him, and after a talk, H.P. Lovecraft realizes the errors of his ways, and joins the group to redeem himself. Pong Paddle also assists in the final battle against Tabuu.

BOSS: Tabuu

After the final battle ends, H.P. is forgiven by the Ancients (if they were rescued from trophy form) or he prays for the other Ancient(s) to forgive him. (If only 1 Ancient was rescued) The Baby Mario Bros. point at the sky, which has turned from a gloomy darkness into a sunrise. All fighters look in awe, as they resolve to rebuild this world...

After the main quest ends, you have the option of unlocking a few more characters through secret doors.

The White Stripes: The Field
Maria: The Catacombs
Sean Connery: The Wastelands
Travis Touchdown: The Starship (Lower Area)

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